How to Prepare Your Home for a House Swap

How to Prepare Your Home for a House Swap
Photo by Timothy Buck / Unsplash

Your Home Exchange Hosting Checklist: Create a Welcoming Oasis for Your Swap Partners

Welcoming guests into your home through a house swap is an exciting opportunity to share your space and create a memorable experience for both you and your exchange partners. However, it also requires some preparation to ensure your guests feel comfortable and at home. By following these simple tips, you can transform your home into a welcoming oasis that your swap partners will love.

1. Declutter and Deep Clean:

  • Clear the clutter: Remove unnecessary items from countertops, tables, and floors to create a spacious and inviting environment.
  • Deep clean every room: Pay special attention to bathrooms, kitchens, and high-traffic areas. Consider hiring a professional cleaning service if needed.
  • Organize closets and storage areas: Make space for your guests' belongings by clearing out some of your own items.

2. Stock the Essentials:

  • Linens and towels: Provide fresh, clean linens and towels for each guest, including extra sets for longer stays.
  • Toiletries: Stock the bathroom with basic toiletries like soap, shampoo, conditioner, and toilet paper.
  • Kitchen supplies: Ensure the kitchen is well-stocked with basic cooking supplies, dishes, utensils, and cleaning supplies.
  • Welcome basket: Consider leaving a small welcome basket with local snacks, drinks, or a personalized note to greet your guests.

3. Create a Welcoming Atmosphere:

  • Add personal touches: Display fresh flowers, light candles, or play soft music to create a warm and inviting ambiance.
  • Prepare a guest room: Make sure the guest room is comfortable and inviting, with a clean bed, fresh linens, and adequate storage space.
  • Provide local information: Leave maps, brochures, and recommendations for local attractions, restaurants, and activities.

4. Communicate House Rules and Expectations:

  • Create a house manual: Outline your house rules, expectations for cleanliness, and any specific instructions (e.g., how to use appliances or adjust the thermostat).
  • Share contact information: Provide your contact information and emergency contacts in case your guests need assistance during their stay.
  • Be available: Let your guests know you're available to answer any questions or address any concerns they may have.


By taking the time to prepare your home for a house swap, you can create a positive and memorable experience for both you and your guests. A well-prepared home will ensure your swap partners feel welcomed and appreciated, paving the way for a successful and enjoyable exchange.

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Jamie Larson